I showed Pop Pop my cash register right away!
Then it was time to take a few pictures...
Am I rocker chick?
or a princess?
Pop Pop threw me HIGH in the air!
I can't wait until they live an hour away!
We headed out to the new house to see how it is coming. All the brick and stone work is now done!
The interior is completely painted, the tile is all in and all of the closets, baseboards and windowsills are done!
and the stairs are starting to look like stairs!
I was SO excited to show Nana and Pop Pop my pink room!
Hopefully it will get painted pink before we move in...
Showing off my dance moves...
We toured the house next door and they have this great art niche in their bedroom... daddy decided I was the perfect piece of art...
After a quick trip to the toy store I came home with a super fun present! A trampoline!
I helped put it together...
First jump!
I quickly discovered that I can hang from the bar!
This picture is the reason that mommy won't cut me bangs... as the humidity increased I had all these crazy curls where my new hair is growing in...
An hour into jumping I figured out how to do this (which I've been trying to figure out at gymnastics for weeks)...
Here are some videos of my fun (notice how hard I'm breathing in the first one... this is a serious workout!)
Mom loves how I proclaim this one as perfect!
and finally my new monkey moves!
After I went to bed mommy and daddy went out to celebrate their anniversary. Thanks for babysitting Nana and Pop Pop! And thank you even more for my super fun trampoline!
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