When I finally agreed to get dressed (in the garage begging to "go go") we ended up here, the sprayground by Nathan's house... I haven't been to a sprayground since last July, so far I'm not a huge fan, but we'll try again soon...
Totally ready for 4th of July, Nana bought this swimsuit for me and brought it me last weekend...
Here I am at the sprayground last summer...
My friend Austin was there...
I stood close to the edge and kept considering venturing in, but I just wasn't brave enough...
Nathan tried to show me how to do it...
Addison came too and immediately got wet... (notice her patriotic swimsuit too)...
Aren't we cute together?
Addiesyn showed up a little bit later and jumped right into the action...
Proof that I did eventually get wet...
Dry Milla drinking apple juice...
Wet Milla drinking apple juice... mom ran me through the sprinklers a few times, she said it was too hot not to...
We had a snack and then I started asking "bye bye, bye bye" and waiving to our car so mom got the idea and took me home for an early nap... these teeth are KILLING me!
While mom worked on dinner (I demanded a corn dog and strawberries), daddy helped me work on my sculpting skills...
"Are you sure I can't climb on the table daddy?" (notice all of mom's bow making supplies in the background)...
I was so excited when daddy made the playdoh a BALL!
An action shot of me throwing the ball...
"I still can't get on the table?"
We worked on my counting skills (which I'm still not interested in) while putting the balls into the container...
then I showed off my cup skills...
After dinner daddy and I played my favorite game... peekaboo over the couch...
and I snuggled with Maggie...
aren't we sweet together?
Can you believe this was us on the same couch when I was 8 days old... (this picture is in my room and I constantly ask to see the "baby")...
She was even good to me then...
Riding my puppy...
Mom had on Wipeout, but I requested dancing (she has no idea how I knew SYTYCD was on)...
Starting position for my dance...
Running in circles...
One of my latest dance moves...
some twists...
Daddy got in on the action too... (mom so wished she had her video camera for my dancing, but she knew I would stop if she went to get it)...
"Ok I'm done... time for bed"...
Daddy was done too!
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