People would kill for this bed head!
This morning we had no set plans... it was our first day of Spring Break without a set agenda and mom's idea was to get to 10am when the malls open and then explore the mall. I found a bag of my old baby stuff and spent a large amount of time working on dressing and undressing my babies (forgive the room, this was my playroom but it's been stripped for the move)...
Finally it was time to get dressed... talk about some homemade clothes... the skirt is from a dress from last summer and the shirt mom made at craft club...
See here I am wearing the dress last summer...
Our first stop at the mall... riding the train...
This train is so much fun! It goes around half of the mall and circles back...
Practicing my pageant wave...
The train parks by Rainforest Cafe and I told mom "I'm hungry eat there..." mom realized it was 10:50 and there wasn't a line so we decided to go. This was the first time mom can think of that she's taken me to a sit down lunch just the two of us... It actually went really well. I was afraid of the gorillas the first time they went off, but after mom explained they were "laughing" and that I'm not afraid of them at the zoo I decided they were funny. I talked about them the rest of the day! We actually shared a kids meal which was enough food for both of us (talk about frugal!)...
Then it was time to ride the cars... usually I ride these without them moving but today I said "I need money" HA! I guess mom's "free ride" is over...
But she explained I would have to save my money for the carousel...
Which is still one of my favorite things to do!
We stopped at the skate park and watched the kids skate... Mom has been trying to teach me how to ride my toddler scooter and it helped to watch the kids scoot on theirs...
Next we went to Build A Bear... Mom expected long lines with Spring Break but it went really well...
Big hugs!
Time to pick out accessories...
Meet Rainbow! We are having a teddy picnic at school and we decided she would be perfect for it...
I love her!
One last ride before the day was over... we were there for 3 1/2 hours and as we walked to the car I kept saying "go in there", "more mall"... Mom proclaimed she had officially been outshopped by a 2 year old!
When we got home I invited Rainbow to swing with me...
She likes it just as much as I do!
A quick nap and new movie to cap off the day. I've become a fan of Tinkerbelle. I'm not that interested in princesses, but I seem to really love Tink. Next week mom plans to introduce me to Toy Story, I can't wait!
PS. This bed that I'm lying in is the bed that mom used to co-sleep with me during my first 2 months of life... she thought it was so sweet to see me curled up in it with my swaddle blanket... Good grief I've grown up!
1 comment:
She looks insanely precious snuggling that bear inside build a bear!!
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