SNOW! So much for the 2nd day of spring!

But it made for a great morning activity...

Maggie would like a relocation family in Colorado please (we would never let her go though)...

I even fed her some...

What's funny is I think this is normal... I have no idea that it's odd to have snow in Texas... nonetheless in March!

Maggie & Milla's footprints...

She just runs through the snow like a wild woman...

We built a tiny snowman...

I was proud...

Mom is so glad she has a huge bag of random buttons for these events...

But she didn't have a hat small enough for him...

Sweet Maggie the snow dog...

"Let's take pictures together Maggie..."

There are some days that I wake up from naptime in such a good mood mom has to run and get her camera...

Today was one of those days...

I think it's because mom thinks I look different without a bow...

Daddy snapped this one of Maggie this afternoon... she's such a pretty doggie!

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