Mom loves blogging about it because the pictures really don't need captions. On the way to class I begged to take a BIG baby doll into class with me (I'm in the phase where I want to bring my own toys places in fear that there may not be something to play with). Luckily mom convinced me to just bring Dorothy the Dinosaur...

I helped her do flips...

and practiced my straddle rolls...

Bear crawls...

We had a HUGE wall to climb...

Tuesday is our hard day of the week. We have no structured activity until school starts, so mom tries to plan fun outings for us. Today's outing "Let's Pretend" for a drop in tea party!
Oh how mom loves this sassy picture...

my shirt has a princess in a carriage on it...

We arrived at Let's Pretend and got makeup...

and I applied my own lipstick...

Pretty please with myself...

Next came tea...

and a BIG chocolate cupcake...

Still loving my makeup...

I was a mermaid first...

more tea...

I kept trying to drink it off of my spoon...

Sophia arrived and got makeup too...


Snow White & Cinderella...

Peekaboo Sophia!

Checking out my Snow White costume...

We finally found the stage and had to perform...

Future ballerina... for anyone who knows anything about ballet, mom says my arms and hands look REALLY good... she's excited for ballet to start in the fall...

Sophia has been taking dance this summer so she showed me some of her moves too...

We did a great job taking turns and clapping for each other...

We even performed together...

Next I was a fairy or maybe I was a butterfly...

Belle & Cinderella...

When the sugar buzz wore off I showed my toddlerdom... so mom rushed me home before I could disturb the other princesses...

Wednesday my playgroup friends came over to play. I was SO excited to see Madeline!

I did decide I needed to spend a few minutes protecting my Gabba friends... but other than that I did a FABULOUS job sharing my toys. Mom was SO proud.

Bubba stealing chairs from the dollhouse to build something at the train. :)

Addi swinging...

There was LOTS of seesawing...

Madeline and I played cash register...

and Bubba and I played store...

Sweet brother and sister Madeline & Will... they had SO much fun!

More store...

Austin plays so well by himself, mom almost never gets pictures of him...

We had a new member of playgroup today. Miss Caroline Joy (Madeline's new little sister)...

To say I was in love is an understatement. Mom wishes that I would have show it in these pictures but I was SO excited to touch a real live baby!

Welcome to playgroup sweet Caroline (mom hums that song every time she says that).

Thank you to all my sweet friends for making these final days of summer so much fun! I wish it wasn't so hot! I miss playing outside!
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