Keira and Stella coloring on the dry erase board...

While I checked out the kitchen...

Sweet Stella!

Gotta do some grocery shopping...

Today was Jacob's last playgroup so we took a picture...
Milla, Zain, Brooklyn, Jacob & Keira. Such sweet friends!

Jacob and I raided the dress up chest...

He took all the police gear and I took all the pirate gear...

Zuzi was so sweet and tried to show me how to work this car...

After playgroup we headed to the mall and rode the choo choo train...

and the little carousel...

We've hit that point of summer where mommy is worried that I won't get to wear everything in my closet so I get dressed up to just run errands. We spent the morning at Ella Bella (getting 50% off Lelli Kelly's), Weir's furniture (searching for an entertainment center) and finally a stop at Petsmart (where mommy fell in love with a puppy)...

But we had to get home and get me down for a nap so I'd be ready for Sophia's birthday party!

She had it at AquaKids and it was lots of fun!
Milla, Sophia & Addie...

Sweet hugs!

Sophia spent most of the day saying "no papparazzi... get away" to all the cameras! It was so funny!

I was thrilled to be back in the pool...

If you know mom, you know she makes this facial expression alot when she's concentrating, it makes her laugh to see me make it...

Daddy & I had a great time swimming...

Sophia and I even had matching life jackets...

Don't I look happy?

The party theme was Little Mermaid... I had an Ariel swimsuit, an Ariel towel and my Ariel doll!

Time for snacks...

The table chaos...

and cake!

She did a great job blowing out her candles...

and we were all ready to dig in!

Sophia is serious about cake!

She takes the whole cake and licks off every bit of icing before she eats any cake...

Me on the other hand... well I savor every tiny bite...

Harper even got some!

Still savoring...

Still savoring...

Happy birthday Sophia! Thanks for having us at your party!
Mom took Sunday off from taking pictures. I was a toddler tantrum handful all day Sunday, to the point we only lasted 5 minutes at the community pool! I was a mess! Please pray I'm in a better mood tomorrow.
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