Mom knew she had to buy this costume when she found it online...

Zebra face...

The funniest part of the day was that I wasn't sure what a zebra says...

We headed to Boo at the Zoo to meet up with the Tatman family...

We were a little early so we thought we'd see if I looked like the stuffed animals in the gift shop...

Where I picked up Fred the Monkey...

The backside... you'd be amazed how many people thought I was a giraffe... don't they know that giraffes have spots... not stripes!

Since we were killing time mom started having fun with her camera...

I was SO happy to see Addison the Monkey!

Me and mommy...

Sweet Addi was camera shy all day...

But look how cute she is from behind...


Riding together...

I was so excited to see Bonnie...

Group picture time...

The white tiger was out and as soon as I saw him I went back to thinking my costume was a tiger...

The lions put on a great show for us! They both roared...

Trying out my roar...

Train & lollipop time!

Finally it was time to explore the carnival part of Boo at the Zoo...

We started at the toddler games...

Mmm... tootsie rolls!

Addi's daddy helping her golf...

My turn...

Crazy mirrors...

Mom thought this game was hilarious!

We moved on to the big kid games...

But this random game was my favorite of the day... I kept going back to it!

We headed over to the "show" and found Sophia & Michael and other Mom's League friends...

Moo Moo!

Sophia and I had fun dancing...

and when it was time for the costume parade I jumped right in and participated without mommy...

I even did the limbo...

Following directions for the chicken...

Next they brought out some awesome animals...

I finally got brave enough to go up to a few of the clowns...

and did a little more trick or treating with Addi O. (mom was so proud of my "trick or treat please")...

On our way out we stopped to watch the crocodiles and they both came to say hi to me...

I was amazed...

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