So we headed to Fort Worth and enjoyed the Shrine Circus!

It's not Barnum & Bailey, but it was a great circus for a toddler!

and it's always fun to get a second use out of one of mom's custom shirts...

On the way there I kept asking mom "do you have the tickets, do you have cotton candy, do you have my headphones"... I definitely know the routine!

Cotton candy was the first thing I wanted!

My headphones were the 2nd!

There were these crazy clown masks in the parade and I LOVED them...

and a bus full of kids!

Look at that guy riding the elephant!

First up were the flyers...

Then the tigers...

They were awesome!

This little girl was 8 and she rode the horse on her dad's shoulders. She was super cool!

In awe!

These two kids were maybe 7... they were awesome!


At intermission I got to ride a pony first...

and then I got to check out the circus rings...

I even walked the balance beam...

Then I said I wanted to ride the elephant...

Mom was a little hesitant, but it was a super fun experience!

then I wanted to do this! It was the biggest slide mom had ever seen and I had to do it myself!

and I did!

My 2nd trip I got scared and a little boy helped me get back down... he was very sweet!

Back to the circus...

Some serious dancing...

The puppies were definitely my favorite part. There were 20 poodles...

I'm convinced Maggie can do all of their tricks...

Mom thought for sure I would be scared of the loud motorcycles, but I loved them!

Finally it was time for the trapeze...

Thse guys definitely knew what they were doing!

Dancing with my shadow on the way back to the car...

After naptime Nana, Pop Pop & daddy's brother Jay came over for a visit.
Maggie was SO excited to see Jay again that she got stuck between the couch and the table, it was HILARIOUS!

So excited to show Pop Pop my new hula hooping skills!

Sweet Maggie waiting for BBQ leftovers!

My new favorite game is stealing noses and Bubbles & Giggles were stealing eachother's nose...

Which made me smile...

Finally I decided I wanted to be a tiger and do all the tiger tricks...

I was good too!

As you can see it's really a pink zebra costume... but shhhh don't tell anyone!

Looks enough like a tiger to me!

It was great to see Uncle Jay, him and his family live outside of London, but will be moving back to Texas soon.

a sweet picture of me and my daddy...

All the Forts...

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