Monday, December 19, 2011

Preschool Christmas Party...

Friday was my last day of preschool before Christmas break... which also meant it was time for our Christmas party!

This dress looked COMPLETELY different when I went to bed, but mom wasn't happy with it, so she went back to work... the result was absolute cuteness!

and I loved it!

I also loved my Sally pigtails...

Kade's mom made these fantastic snowman cake balls for us to enjoy...

and I was SO excited to see mommy!

Let's get this party started!

They always start out with the "good for us" snacks...









and Mathias...

"Milla the red nosed reindeer"...

Finally a picture of me at school with mommy where I'm looking at the camera and smiling... woo hoo!

Cake pop time!

You have to start with the oreo hat!

Ready to play some games!

Wreath toss... and I made it!


Me and Lilly...

Craft time...

My wonderful teacher Ms. Judy...

Story time...

at the end of the day we did a book exchange...

and then I went to see Miss Michelle...

after school we met up with Bella for one more playdate before she left for California...

We had SO much fun!

It was big kid jump time and mom thought I would be totally intimidated, but I had a blast!

So did Bella!

I always want to "weigh" myself...

after running around like a crazy person I started coughing... HARD!  So mom called Dr. Martin's office.  We headed in and I got diagnosed with croup.  Blah!  Steroids, antibiotics & my good cough medicine.  Hopefully we can kick this thing before Christmas!

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