But Sydney and I had a good time together!

and mom got a few pictures of us doing ballet (the cutest part to her)...

SO serious!

Mom always comes in to help me put my tap shoes on...

Tuesday I got to wear a turkey shirt to school...

I had a good day at school, got my 1st progress report where I scored perfectly (swelling mom's heart with pride) and then I managed to get in trouble for the first time too! I threw a block (while cleaning up) and it hit a friend and I laughed. My teacher was SHOCKED! Mom has talked to me several time about it and I have told her I'm not going to do it again... we'll see! Mom blames America's Funniest Home Videos and other physical comedy things...

We headed over to the new park on our street (which isn't finished)...

and played for a little while (mom decided a kid can only be tempted by a park on their street for so long before they must play on it!)...

Today (Wednesday) I got to go back to school at 1st Presby. Mom had a doctor's appointment and school was willing to take me for the morning. Luckily two of my friends from Tu/Thur school go to school on Wednesday too so I got to play with them...

I was definitely excited to go play with some new friends...

But I've also been having WAY too much fun playing grocery store at home and mom had a hard time making me stop...

Off to school!

A little tired before I went in (mom had to wake me up this morning). All in all it's been a good week... tomorrow we have our Thanksgiving party at school.

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