Our first mission was to get a few pictures with my White Rabbit... Maggie...

String cheese helped...

Pretty cute one of us and Maggie's bunny ears...

Mom and I have silly expressions, but at least you can see the white rabbit in all her glory!

Maggie was mommy's birthday present 4 years ago!

The waistcoat...

Hugs from Alice...

and off we go!

Our neighborhood is pretty big so we decided the wagon would be a good idea (it was a brilliant idea)...

I took mom with me for the first dozen houses...

and shared my candy with daddy...

At every house I would say "trick or treat please" and then I would say "thank you" turn around and tell daddy "look daddy I got treats... let's eat them"...

I especially loved that people just left candy on their porches...

Beware I look at least 5 in these next two pictures...

Starting to get more independent...

I found a huge tootsie roll pop...


A few of the houses daddy chauffeured me to the door in my wagon...

and then I started going with some kids and left mom and dad at the curb...

Look at my loot!

Using daddy's flashlight to check it all out...

The big pumpkins in front of Karyssa's house...

Mom's cat tail...

We finally made it home so we could sort my candy...

I wanted to share with Maggie...

and I let Callie smell it...

mom and dad let me eat a few pieces...

and then slowly as I enjoyed my candy bracelet, the pieces went away. I ended up with just a tootsie roll & a hershey bar left and I really enjoyed them both. Today all I asked for was m&ms. Mom still isn't sure where all my candy is going to end up!

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