Unfortunately, daddy is now sick. Please say some prayers that this entire family can get well soon! Mom didn't even tell me he was home this morning so he could sleep while we got ready for ballet. Of course I wanted to go play in my playroom (where I spent the weekend) instead of getting ready for ballet...

But I came around and got dressed...

Maybe I'll start posing for the camera again soon...

Today gave mom hope...

But of course I had to get some goofy grins in too...


The whole way to ballet I kept asking if Ms. Donna would leave the door open again this week and mom started to worry that the separation anxiety was going to pop back up, but I handled it really well...

Unfortunately, closed door means glare on the pictures...

But we had a blast!

"Hi mommy"...

This is mom's favorite dance that we do so she will probably record it every week. I love to practice it at home too...
During tumbling I asked Ms. Donna to take my hair completely down. Mom wanted some "non-glare" pictures so she took me back in the studio to take a few of my "dance moves"...

I know more terminology in 4 weeks then most of mom's 4 year olds knew at the end of the year when she taught...


Mom's favorite picture of the day...

Tail wagging...

More tail wagging...

Here I am with the girls...

We have so much fun together!

Silly faces!

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