Wakka... wakka... wakka...

We rented a Muppets dvd at the library that I've been watching like crazy, it even had Liberace & Wonder Woman on it...

Bear crawls...


This morning mom and I headed to MomMets, otherwise known as "Wednesday school". This is a wonderful Moms of Preschoolers group at The Met church by our house. The great news is I didn't cry at school (first successful daycare situation outside of school) and mom had a great time meeting with some other moms. It's a win win!
It was pouring rain when we left the house...

Me and Callie...

Isn't my outfit cute? The little girls clothes (3-4) are SO much cuter than the toddler stuff!

After the meeting we celebrated my good behavior with lunch at McDonalds...

Can you believe I've still never had a soda? I'm REALLY asking mom about hers right now, but for now I stick to the juice mixes they have. Mom and dad are both HUGE dr. pepper drinkers and they are afraid I will be just as addicted as soon as I lay hands on it...

Big red car!

"Where's Milla?"

Queen of the world!

Tomorrow I head back to Thursday school at First Presbyterian... So far I am LOVING my new fall schedule!
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