Mom made me a special shirt for Meet the Teacher 2010. Our school graphic is Noah's Ark so mom thought it would be perfect...

Mom set the self timer to take a picture of us, but of course I wouldn't look at the camera...

Here we are a year ago...
First we went over my schedule for the day. This is a new thing we are starting because I REALLY fight transitions. (What mom didn't realize is I was moving "nap" out of the way because that was NOT happening today)...

A couple of pictures outside...

and we headed off to a playdate at Bubba's for the morning...

Mommy made the mistake of tickle wrestling Bubba and he became her best friend. He wouldn't leave her side and told his mommy "but mommy I want to play with her" when his mommy told him to give me some space...

Kitchen time...

Puzzle time (Addi was obviously hiding while mom had her camera out)...

I love Bubba's train table...

Ms. Carrie even dyed some noodles for us to make necklaces. Thanks Ms. Carrie!

Finally it was time to head to school...

The banner says "Welcome"...

We headed to my new classroom and found Stephen who was in my class last year...

He was obviously glad to see me! He's going to be our only boy in our class...

Here is my class... 6 girls, 1 boy and 2 of the girls are identical twins... how do you explain that to a 2 1/2 year old??? Mom loves the picture of Miss Michelle, she's so fun!

This is the kitchen I've been dying to play with all summer...


and a few babies and high chairs too...

Miss Michelle (or Misschelle as most of us say because Miss Michelle is really a mouthful at 2 1/2) helped me do playdoh...

She has these AWESOME frogs that swim...

Potato Heads!

Finally mom convinced me to recapture a shot from last year...

See? Definitely the same kid!
and a few more because I was having fun!

Mom's favorite of the day! The good news is I saw Miss April & Miss Glenna and I didn't beg to go in their classroom, I was a really good sport about being in "the big girl room". Hopefully that will continue, mom took me in there last week to show me the pictures of the babies and I said "next time when I'm a baby again can I be in there". Hopefully I'll transition well next week, I definitely like Miss Michelle a lot!

School starts TUESDAY! Let's see how much fun we can cram in until then!
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