Wednesday morning mom felt fine and thought she had just eaten something bad so we headed to MomMets...

See we both look ok don't we?

I was definitely starting to feel better at this point, but I had no appetite and mom wondered if I would ever eat anything but snacks again. The good news is I LOVE my teachers at MomMets and I didn't cry at all even though in the car on the way I said "mommy I'm going to cry and then I'm going to have much fun"...

Cracks mom up to see her girly girl loving trains (it's ALL I want from Santa at this point)...

By Thursday morning mom was SICK and all she could think about was getting me off to school so she could lay down and try to recover. She had a commitment to teach the UNT Kappa chapter how to applique and there was no way she could get out of it.
So we took one picture on the way out of the house. I didn't want to go to school (mom thinks I was worried about her) and I complained the whole way there. BUT once I got there we had our first tear free drop off! YAY!

By Friday morning mom was feeling better, but not up to chasing me so we headed to a Preschool Gymnastics Plus Open House so I could run around...

It worked out GREAT! Mom sat and took pictures and I ran down the trampoline OVER and OVER again!

I was fascinated that baby Gavin can now walk and I toddled along behind him matching his little steps...

Crazy batgirl!

Keira kept me entertained...

and so did Karyssa...

Friday night we stayed at home and played...

We quickly discovered a fun new game... cover Milla in stuffed animals...

Oh and cover daddy too...

We had lots of fun!


Which made mom think of this...
Saturday morning daddy entertained me while mommy slowly started to recover and I entertained Maggie with my toys...

Then we headed to Little Gym...

another car in hand (a trend these days)...

A warning through these pictures... after everything else with mommy's camera her auto focus is now not working, so some of these pictures are a little blurry...

but she's figuring out how to manually focus until she can get a new lens...

We got to Little Gym early (good thing I had my car in hand to entertain me)...

But quickly it was time for class to start.

It was a BIG class! 12 kids (mom says it felt like 20)...



Hula hoops...


Balance beam...

I have ZERO interest in mommy or daddy helping me in class anymore. It's definitely time for me to move up to the class by myself, but mom and dad enjoy the excuse to play with me so we'll stay in this class a little longer...

At one point during the class I asked mommy to take my hair down and it totally freaked her out...

a) I have SO much hair and b) I look 16 with it hanging in my face. To cut bangs? To not cut bangs? Hmmmm....

More handstands...

Sunday we took the day to rest and recover. I never even got out of my pajamas. We never have home days at our house, but it was good for all 3 of us.
As for our health: I am now eating normally again (thank God!) and daddy is hanging in there, though he is exhausted from all the single parenting he's had to do this weekend, mommy is ok, weak from not eating much since Wednesday, but she knows she will be better soon since I am. Let's just pray daddy doesn't get it!!!
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