Monday, August 18, 2014

Catching Up: December

I (mom) have spent a lot of time not blogging.  There are so many reasons for that... New business (well it's 2 years old now), busy schedule, the ease of posting pictures to facebook, the frustration of dealing with Sensory Processing Disorder, & because Milla found her voice in real life (she can read and write and tell a story) and it seemed inauthentic to be her voice on the blog.

So after a lot of time off, we are turning the corner to the start of the school year.  I cannot imagine not blogging the first day of school in real time, so I'm going to try to catch up 8 months in 6 days... I have no idea if that's possible, but each month will be 1 post and this blog will now be written FAMILY STYLE!

Here's a look at the rest of December...


Christmas Pajama Day (Polar Express)...


Elf Day...


Elf Day also included a performance by our choir...



Milla's class at their Christmas party...

Make your own snowman ice cream.  Yum!

I loved being Milla's room mom this year!

Her table...

Her teacher...

We started Christmas break off with Maribelle's birthday party...

and our sweet Elf brought us some fun activities... like ice cream cone trees...


Christmas eve with just the family...

We made cookies...

and saw Frozen...

and opened some presents...

and decorated our gingerbread house...

and then we got ready for Santa...

Right before bed Mrs. Claus stopped by to drop off Santa's medicine that he forgot at home...

and I woke up to a lot of presents!

Sweet Maggie enjoyed watching me explore them...

a new scooter...

Nana came over to visit...

The day after Christmas we headed to see The Nutcracker...

We stopped by daddy's office to say hi...

and then we headed to the show...

It was a great December!

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