Wednesday night there were REALLY bad storms in the middle of the night. One of our biggest trees fell in my swimming pool! It looks like a swamp out there & some trees even landed on my baby swing. :( I'm ok though, I even slept through the tornado sirens when dad whisked me into the laundry room. I'm a good sleeper. Thursday we didn't have any power or internet, so mommy and I went shopping & to lunch with Bella and her mom Jenny!
Thursday night these men worked in our backyard ALL night trying to get our power lines back up and finally at 3am we got power back!
Today I finally got a bath (I was a little stinky because we didn't have any hot water). After the bath mommy laid me down in my crib and handed me my lovey to keep me warm. Well I'm finally understanding what these hand things are and I reached out and grabbed my bunny and pulled her to me to get a better look. Mom told me that she got me this lovey because she met a little girl when she was pregnant with me who loved this one and had worn out three of them. Mom's pretty glad to see I finally like it.
This afternoon my friend Bella and her mom (mommy's friend) Jenny came over to play. I really like Bella, we are 2 weeks apart so we're into the same things. We laid on a blanket together and talked to each other and Bella tried out my jumparoo (she loved it). Mom's hoping that me seeing Bella push up will inspire me... Not likely!
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