Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Preschool Camp Week 2

Monday morning I was ready to head back to Noah's Ark for week 2 of Preschool Camp!

Even in the rain!

Tuesday we had a day off and played lots of dress up!

 Wednesday I headed back to camp...

and we stopped for ice cream after...

Thursday we headed to Southlake Library to see the Wizard of Oz with marionettes...

They were super cool!

Mom got me a front row seat and I stayed even when the crowds got crazy!

See the horse of a different color?

After the library we headed to Roanoke Family Days... it was hot and crowded, but I was a trooper!

To cool off we headed to my friend Lila & Jackson's house to swim...

at the very end of our swim time I finally got brave enough to jump off the diving board!

We went inside to do art and have snacks.  Lila and Jackson will be in kindergarten with me at Ridgeview.  They are awesome kids!

After all that fun I was exhausted and decided to use mom's comfy pants as a sleeping bag...

Mabel showed off some tricks too!

Friday morning... last day of Preschool Camp!

It was an awesome 2 weeks and I learned that I'm pretty good at making new friends!

We headed to 5 Guys for dinner and then to the fountain to play...

Mom has nicknamed this summer our "Hakuna Matata" summer... want to get in the fountain and end up getting your pants wet?  Hakuna Matata!

This relaxed mom thing has helped me relax a little bit more too! 

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