Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Day at the Zoo...

Wednesday we headed to the zoo... you aren't surprised are you?  We are getting to be experts at doing quick zoo trips so that I can still get a nap...

What are our tricks?

Go an hour later than when it opens... this lets the school kids get started and some people are already eating lunch...

Bring your own lunch... PB&J all the way!  We like to eat with the lions...

Remember a couple months ago when the baby flamingos were tiny?  Look how big they are now...

Next tip... ride the train first...

In fact, do the entire zoo backwards... changes it up a bit and there are no crowds in Texas Wild in the morning...

Self portraits...

I love the otters...

Bring lots of pennies for the wishing well (it makes animal noises when you throw them in)...

Which is AWESOME!

We did the whole upper portion backwards this time, for some reason it made it faster and the awful hill up to the tigers was downhill.  Much easier!  This is the new penguin exhibit...

Today was the first day I was willing to hold the stick with the birds...

Aren't you proud?

Mom sure was...

We took our lunch break with the lions...

and then we headed down the hill to the rhinos, giraffes and ostriches...

Me and Bonnie...

The elephants were having a great time!

Can you believe we saw this much zoo in less than 2 hours?  Speedy!

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