Friday, February 11, 2011

Preschool Valentine's Party...

We were so glad that the weather cleared up in time for my Valentine's Day Party at school...

Mom made sugar cookies for all the teachers at school...

and special ones for my class (gotta have sprinkles)...

She took on the Valentine party class mom duties with Piper's mom and they had lots of fun!  Mini chocolate dipped pretzel rods... yummy!

Ready for some pictures in my super special outfit...

Ready to see the shirt?

How about the twirly skirt first??

Ok here's the shirt it says "Milla + Kade"

Cute huh?

Totally hamming it up!

and Kade's shirt...

Well mom made that one too...

Aren't we cute?




He's such a special dude... now the only boy in my class, he has definitely stolen my heart...

Evan, Piper & Abby enjoying the chocolate covered pretzels...
Then the giant cookies were revealed...

My bestie Isabelle...

Mmmm... juice!

"What's on my head?"

Brownie cookies followed the sugar cookies...

and then it was time for some pictures...

Goofy kid...

We played "throw the hoop around the octopus"...

and pin the heart on the bee...

I took a quick picture with mom...

and then everyone worked on decorating Miss Michelle's card...

Finally it was time for our big arts and crafts project, a bear picture frame magnet...

and during clean up a few books were read... my books from home which I found fascinating...

Sweet cuddles before leaving school...

oh and of course there were goody bags!

Look at all our stuff!!!

All bundled up to face the cold...

Mom really enjoyed hosting the party... this was the first class party that I understood she had done everything to get it ready and when I walked in the room I said "this is soo fun, thank you mommy"... made icing 8 dozen sugar cookies TOTALLY worth it to her!

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