Wednesday, February 9, 2011

School & more snow...

Tuesday the sun was out and school was open...

I was excited to get back to my routine...

and show off another homemade Valentine outfit...

Mom made the skirt, the shirt and the flower...

This bunny is a constant companion right now, her name is Millie, the cat is Tilly...

I stayed for afternoon school today and even got to play outside.  Mom came to pick me up a little early so she could watch me play...

I seriously think she would come to school with me if they'd let her!

Wednesday morning we woke up to another snow day...

Mom hates when she gets a great picture, but the framing is off... oh well here it is!

"Let's go play!"...

This time it wasn't a lot of snow or ice, just a nice dusting.  Enough to cancel school and allow daddy to go in late to work.  Mom made us all french toast and we watched Tinkerbelle...

Ready for a snowball fight...

Mid air...

So fun!

We planned our escape when daddy decided to go to work.  We followed him out of the neighborhood (in case we got stuck) and then we headed to Petsmart & McDonalds...

Wait... mom is taking over my blog.

Mom: Today I sat quietly and captured some moments at McDonalds.  A place we find ourselves more and more these days.  I wonder if I will always remember ordering a Happy Meal for my lunch so Milla can have 2 toys, apples and fries...

Will I remember that she would rather play pretend with these toys then go play in the play area...

Will I remember the story she told me about her flying pony who flew over a forest...

and ate chicken nuggets and napped...

Will I remember how curious she was about the play area...

but cautious because she has been trampled SO many times...

Will I remember encouraging her, promising that I'll be right there...
Will I remember how brave she was heading in to play even with the big kids there (school was out today)...

How much fun she can have when she finally lets herself...

How she holds her own when someone gets in her way...

and how proud that makes her...

If I could freeze that trip to McDonalds and play it back over and over I would... I am so thankful that I have my blog and my camera so I can do just that... I will remember.  Thank you sweet girl for our fun at McDonalds today!

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