First I had to get my war paint on!
Then I was ready to soak up the sun... mom realized my little bath seat fits perfectly on the tanning ledge...
Then it was float time...
Bryan and Anella played with me...
Daddy helped me swim...
Mommy and I posed (mommy has a picture of her mom and her just like this first one)...
Almost done with my pool time... just chillin and splashing with my cool sunglasses...
What's up? Yeah that's right I'm cool...
After I was done swimming mom took me inside, gave me a quick bath and put me in a sunsuit and a big floppy hat... time to swing!
Mommy had daddy move my jumparoo out by the pool and mom got some great pictures of me!
Mom thinks this picture looks like the faces that the little girl pageant queens make... what do you think?
Once I realized how many people were watching me I got very excited and started entertaining everyone...
Mom says this picture looks like her baby pictures...
Playing bashful...
After all that it was time for a little nap...
While I napped, Maggie got to swim... Mom got some fun shots of her!
After I woke back up we had cake!
Mommy said I looked like a doll in this picture...
After dessert Anella helped me play airplane...
When everyone left I got in my bjorn and helped mommy and daddy clean...
Thanks everyone for coming over!!! It was SOOO much fun!
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