Sunday, January 9, 2011

Barney LIVE!

Saturday morning it was time to head out to see Barney!  Mom told me about this on Monday (when we went to pick out my perfect purple dress) and every day since I've asked if it was Barney day...

Excited to take my Barney & Baby Bop to see the show!

Mom loves my sweet smile...

The show!  We love shows at Verizon in Grand Prairie... they are small and the crowds aren't as overwhelming...

Me and mommy...

Here's the view from our first seats...

Usually we stay in our assigned seats, but there were SO many open seats down below that we decided to venture down so I could dance...

SO much more fun!

I found 4 little girls to dance with and we danced for an entire hour...

She was my favorite...

I got to do Mr. Knickerbocker & Baby Bop Hop... I was a happy kid!

Trying to do some of the choreography...

One of my favorite songs "If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops, oh what a rain that would be"...

Finding a seat (we had actual seats down here, but all of us that were dancing took turns hanging out on this one)...

The end of the show!  Mom and dad weren't sure I would have fun because I don't watch Barney quite as much as I use to (my world currently revolves around Caillou), but I really enjoyed it!  At the end of the show I cried a little that it was over, but mom told me that we are going to go see the Imagination Movers there in a few weeks and I perked right back up!  Thanks for taking me to see Barney mom & dad! 

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