Thursday, September 22, 2011

Last Friday...

Somehow we are once again a week behind in blogging (mommy has been working on clothes for the upcoming trip I don't know about)...

Here is Friday before school... I was NOT in a picture mood, so mom got goofy pictures...

Friday night we headed up to the neighborhood elementary school for their block party.  I sported some red and black for them (their school colors)...
In a much more "modeling" mood...

We checked out the library...

and mom wanted a picture with me because she loved my outfit (it's an outfit she's been trying to get me to wear for a year)...


We played on the playground for a few minutes...

Until these rain clouds opened up and it POURED for hours.  We managed to escape the school and head to dinner, but we were definitely a little damp the rest of the night...

1 comment:

*JOY* said...

I can't believe how big she has got! I haven't been on momspace for awhile so I haven't seen any updated pictures but I got on my blog and decided to check everyones out! She is gorgeous!