Thursday, December 22, 2011

Twas the Week Before Christmas...

Monday morning we headed out to run errands, it was a boring day but I had to get this shirt worn before Christmas...

Tuesday we had tickets to Artie's Playhouse for "The Reindeer that Saved Christmas"...

Gotta love the self timer on the camera...

Me and my Rudolph...

Ready to go!

We had front row seats...

The kids did a great job...

and I really enjoyed it!

After the show was over I headed straight to the stage to dance...

and conga...

Mom had a Rudolph lollipop for me. :)

We headed to the mall for a few more errands, it was CRAZY busy!

but I got to meet the Princess Cow...

She was AWESOME!

I really wanted to spend the day with her!

Wednesday morning we took it slow and played "find the pickle"... it's an ornament that you hide and it talks to give you clues...

My elf Sprinkles played too... isn't she cute?  She made her reindeer antlers during craft time at elf school... she goes there at night when I'm sleeping...

While playing mom went to start the dishwasher and I was playing with my Rudolph... all she heard was screaming and came in to find this... I was trying to put Rudolph in my stocking and my stocking holder fell... that thing weighs a ton and it conked me really hard.  I was bleeding and it even put a big dent in my IKEA table...

Gotta love boo boos for Christmas pictures!  Mr. Brian down the street (who is a paramedic) checked me over and deemed me ok... shwew!

I recovered pretty quickly...

and even had fun at McDonalds...

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