Monday, April 18, 2011

Birthday Party Day Extravaganza...

One of the reasons daddy picked this weekend to go camping was the amount of birthday parties we had to attend.  One on Friday and two on Saturday!  Lots of fun!

A few pics before we left the house...

Our first stop was Krispy Kreme for a little sugar energy to get through the day...

then we headed back to Paradise Pond for Haley's birthday party...

I was so excited to be back there!

Here's the birthday girl, she's a very funny girl...

They took out the market area and turned it into a doctor's area... it's a lot of fun!
This is where I was calling daddy telling him all the fun things I was doing on the play phone...

Showing mommy my balancing skills...

Finally taking my turn at the roller coaster...

and climbing the rock wall (5 times)...

Group picture time...

Not a very cooperative group...

Sweet Haley!  Happy birthday!

Love this picture of Haley and her mommy...

back to my friend the worm...

have you noticed I'm smiling in all these pictures, I really was a fun kid the whole day!

Rollercoaster races with Hayden Claire...

I put on a pair of princess shoes and went to "tap dance" in the pond...

I have waited for MONTHS for someone to have a pinata at their party... SO fun!

Look at all that stuff fly!

I got right down in the craziness to get my loot...

After the party we took an hour break, got lunch, drove around to let me rest (I still won't sleep in the car) and then we arrived at Addyson's 4th birthday party.  It was a Rock & Roll Dance Party at Dana's Studio of Dance and SOOO much fun!

We started with a normal dance warm up (with Hannah Montana of course)...

I was the youngest by over 6 months, but I kept up...

Then it was time to learn a routine...

Here are some videos of the routine...

After the routine we played freeze dance (SOOO fun!)...

Mom's not sure what game we were playing here, but it just makes her laugh, she thinks we all look like SUCH big girls!

Silly Addyson...

Crazy girls!

Addyson even had a guitar...

Finally it was cupcake time...

When we finally headed home from our day of parties I got to play with my new water table while mommy ate dinner...

It was SUCH a fun day!  We had a great time at both parties... happy birthday Haley & Addyson!

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