"Yeah that's not going to happen mom"...
It took mom longer to get the shoes on me then it took me to take them off... so we went to Nordstrom today and ordered me some pedipeds... I got to try on a pair and they didn't bother me at all! Mom got them on me in under a minute and I kept them on like there wasn't anything on my feet... YAY! They should be here in a few days...
Ok so socks... we'll do socks for now...
"Thanks for the bath Maggie..."
I was SO excited to go to Barnes and Noble and get some new books! I'm REALLY into reading now... we read 3 books a night and sometimes a couple of books during the day... of course my favorite is "Goodnight Moon"... I can find the kittens on every page that they are on! It's like playing "Where's Waldo"...
Getting ready to crawl... I've improved LEAPS and BOUNDS over the past few days... I'm really figuring this out... still not on all fours, but I'm getting REALLY close...
For our afternoon outing mom decided it was too warm for the jeans so she found my jean skirt...
Silly Maggie, she has started to nap every time I nap!
I'm SUCH a happy girl after my naps!
and yes... I still stick my tongue out sometimes...
See working on my crawling moves again...
Mom stood me up so she could show y'all how cute my skirt is...
These three pictures happened in a matter of seconds...
Here are two videos of me pulling up... I know you can't tell how little mom is helping me (really she's just there to make sure I don't fall), can you tell how proud I am?
This video shows Nana how much I'm loving Maggie's new bed... it's great for me to work on all my rolling over maneuvers...
Anybody want to take bets on how soon I'll be crawling? Mom says August 26th (my adjusted birth date)...
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