Instead I get to bounce!
Seat drops are my new personal favorite...
How funny is this face!
When we got to the pit there was a HUGE structure built and Coach Lindy said we could destroy it...
I've decided that pushing the rope is way more fun than riding on it and mom isn't pushing me...
I did venture pretty deep into the pit today...
My concentration expression...
Instead of running on the tumble track today we played a game. Coach Lindy put down two red mats and said "Ready Set Go" and we would run from one to the other all together. I was the slowest most of the time, but I had the funniest run out of anyone...
"READY, SET, GO" (I've been saying it all afternoon)...
and we're off!
Another round...
Mom says she's going to have to watch Patrick and I... I was definitely making eyes at him today...
Keep reading for Boo at the Zoo & Videos...
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