and Addi (see her behind me) at Jump for Fun...
We haven't been there in a while, but I didn't miss a beat!
Juggling 2 balls!
Playing air hockey...
Mom told me to straddle my legs so I could keep the hockey puck from whizzing by and I knew what she was talking about (obviously learning something at gymnastics)...
Easy goal...
I even played a few games with Bubba...
Mom is so excited that I've learned how to climb all the rock climbing walls on the slides...
and I slide down with confidence...
I still LOVE doing ring around the rosie...
Mom was so proud of me, she gave me my juice and I went and climbed up to sit at the table all on my own...
Addi joined me...
I climbed up the big slide...
and flew down a few times...
"Why don't we come here every day?"
When I woke up from my nap I had a surprise. My friend Grant in California got me a Minnie Mouse hat...
This was my reaction when mommy tried it on...
and it has my name on it!
"Am I cute?"
Being silly...
Daddy has to work extra hard to keep me occupied when mommy cooks... she never knows what she is going to find!
I'm also constantly coming up with new tricks... Tonight I asked mom to remove the back couch cushions... and then I did this...
I'm holding myself up here...
Mom and dad were totally impressed!
Right after my bedtime routine tonight, a transformer blew. Daddy rescued me from my dark room (I was wailing) and we all sat on the couch. and cuddled (something I rarely have time to do). Mom explained to me what was going on and I proceeded to talk more and in clearer sentences then mom has ever heard. I asked for Maggie to come sit with me. I talked about the rain outside. I talked about why it was dark and why the tv wasn't on. Eventually they found an LED flashlight for my nightlight and a battery back up for my noisemaker and I went to bed. After a few tears I fell into a peaceful sleep. Although the whole thing was stressful, mom really enjoyed those quiet minutes with me cuddling on the couch.
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