I really loved the pockets!
I visited my pumpkin that I got at school yesterday...
Then we headed to the zoo to meet my Lucky 07 friends...
Look at all of us! This isn't even the entire group!
(Stella, Brooklyn, Madison, Karyssa, me, Zain, & Kyle)
We headed straight to Texas Wild (because the crowds go right) and I got to visit my alligator friend...
I even played with his tail (but wouldn't take a picture by his face)...
Brooklyn was braver...
Kyle and I rode the train back up to the front of the zoo...
We checked out the giraffes together...
and caught up with Brooklyn, Stella and their mommy...
Look how sweet Stella is, she really enjoyed checking out the giraffes...
Brooklyn & her mommy...
and me and my mommy...
Look how big I'm getting... I did this all by myself...
Saying hi to Bonnie the elephant...
Brooklyn & Kyle joined me...
Brooklyn and I held hands through the tigers and lions...
and we stopped to feed the birds... I kept saying "Heeere birdie"...
I got one!
and two more...
Keira and Brooklyn got one too...
after lunch I ran off from the crowd and Keira came after me, held my hand and led me back to the group, it's great to have older friends!
Time to see the monkeys!
Karyssa joined us for monkey watching... look at all of our curly hair!
Mom was so amazed at how pretty the color was in my hair under the sunlight today that she took a picture...
Karyssa gave me a big hug...
and so did Keira...
Then we headed home...
It was a fun day and we are really looking forward to Boo at the Zoo!
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