Mommy was excited for me to debut my Gymboree Cherry Bubble Suit! So cute!
Trying to give EVERYONE a hug...
Yep... that's me... a sitting machine! I'm finally REALLY getting into sitting... I still don't understand gravity though and I often fall over and don't understand why... Mom has pillows scattered ALL over the house!
Contemplating gravity...
Mom always uses stuffed animals to get me to smile for pictures and then she has to give them to me...
And I always try to eat them...
My Chris Farley impression...
Ok here I am with Aunt Lindsay... way to distracted by the waiter at this point... has anyone told you how much I love male waiters? I totally know how to flirt!
Making faces at eachother... I like to hold Lindsay's hand...
After I got done eating... while mom and Lindsay visited I had gerber puffs, apples and oatmeal, a tortilla and some guacamole... I was a tootin' machine this evening!!! But, mom says I was the BEST behaved kid she had ever seen... just keep me occupied and I'm good! :)
After daddy came home from work, mommy took Maggie to the vet... she became a BIONIC dog! She got microchipped! Yay! Now my Maggie can never get lost!!!
The day ended with mom and dad getting blackberries (I'm stealing mom's when she goes to bed tonight)... watch out world... we can now blog from the mall!!!
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