"Mommy, why are we at Little Gym on a Friday?"
Because Carson is hosting playgroup there!
and more bars!
This is how Jacob wanted to be entertained... HA!
I worked on my rhythmic gymnastics routine...
Stepping through the hula hoop...
Brooklyn joined me in some hula hoop fun!
and amazingly I let a mom I didn't know rock me on this wedge... can you believe how much better my separation anxiety is?
Just some random candids from this afternoon...
Mom likes to take them because you end up with gems like this...
We vacuumed... I decided it was loud...
This seemed like the most logical place to sit while mom vacuumed the living room...
Then I got my old high chair out to sit on in the living room... I think I need a toddler chair... what do you guys think?
When daddy got home Maggie greeted him by running through his legs and daddy decided to take a ride... Giddy-up Maggie!
Daddy and I danced to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...
One of my latest moves (crabwalking)...
I asked daddy to fly me around...
and I got some fun new watercolor markers to play with at dinner...
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