We had a little photo shoot before we left...
Daddy was making me giggle...
and I was holding on to this old baby doll of mom's with dear life (not exactly what she wanted in my first day of school photos)...
Seriously this doll is like 30 years old!
Ok I'm ready... what's next?
We headed outside to take some pictures of the whole outfit...
Can you believe the apple leggings are from last fall? They are a little short, but mom kept telling me they were "capri length"...
Waving hi to everyone driving by...
Ok what's next?
Pictures of my backpack!
Mom found it at Lands End and it has a place for a picture or artwork...
I was so happy to see a picture of mommy & daddy...
"Is it time yet?"
Off to school I go (this was the point mom started getting emotional)...
Can you tell I'm ready?
Here I am walking in...
I told the bear good morning...
and walked straight into my classroom...
The trains were set up...
and Brooklyn arrived (Keira wasn't there she's sick... we missed you Keira!")...
I was still doing well at this point (even though this boy was having a total meltdown)...
I thought maybe sharing some trains would make him feel better (and Miss April told mom it was time for her to leave)...
Mommy left and waited by her phone for them to call and say I needed to be picked up because I wouldn't stop crying... No call came... Ms. Glenna says I cried for a little while, but she read a couple of books to me and I calmed down and started to play...
When the mommies came to pick us up this is what they found...
Brooklyn was first...
and then the boys let me through...
Mom bought me a new puppy named Violet as a reward for doing so well at my first day of school, she sings songs and says my name "Amelia" not "Milla" (wasn't in their dictionary), and she's even teaching me how to spell it!
Here is my daily report...
I took a 2 hour nap when I got home and mom says this was pretty much her easiest parenting day ever. I think I'm going to like school!
Hooray! So glad it went well. We were thinking of you this morning.
So glad you did well on your first day!!
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