This was a BIG day for me. It's the first time I've stayed with a babysitter in a LONG time. I had a few babysitters when I was a newborn, but ever since I started going to sleep at 7pm, mom and dad just plan their date nights for 8pm and I go to bed before my babysitters (usually grandparents) arrive.
Meeting Buddy...
It was SO early! Bubba was still eating breakfast and looked pretty surprised to see me...
I don't even have a bow! Mom didn't fix my hair at all and I still had my blankies...
After letting me adjust for a few minutes mom told me she was leaving and gave me a hug, but I was already busy playing...
Miss Carrie was nice enough to snap a few pictures for mommy... there are more on Nathan's blog, she was even nice enough to text message mommy and let her know that not a single tear was shed!!!
Doing playdoh...
Can you tell what sweet friends we are!
This picture cracks mommy up... seriously how cute are we?
A happy girl!
When mommy arrived I told her "hi" and went right back to playing. The next time I passed her I said "hug" and gave her a big bear hug and ran off...
Miss Carrie thank you SO much for taking such good care of me today...
When mom put my shoes on and told me it was time to go I grabbed Bubba's hand...
I wanted him to come with me...
Maybe next time sweet friend!
We'd love to have you come play with us!
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