At least she let me wake up with the Fresh Beat Band (if you look you'll see Marina is waking up on the screen)...
"Ok why am I up mommy?"
Oh yeah! It's Meet the Teacher Day!
Thanks for the super cute dress Aunt Rinny, it says "Peace, Love, Happiness" in rhinestones...
Brooklyn was scheduled to explore the room at the same time as me, so good to have a friend!
My first find was BARNEY!
Then I found Thomas the Train (so excited to have a full train set)...
and a bunch of baby dolls...
Look at all the fun stuff there is to play with in the girl corner...
Brooklyn spent most of the time coloring...
I sat down for tea...
and met a new friend, another Addison! She will be in my class too...
"Look mommy... cookie monster!"
Here are pictures of all the kids, the ones around the bottom are my Tue/Thur class, there are 10 of us, 5 boys and 5 girls...
I found the doll house (I can't wait to get one for my birthday!)...
Brooklyn and I played house together...
and then I explored the kitchen...
That's my nametag hanging in the sky, my color is yellow...
I really liked the farm...
and was WAY too busy to take a picture with mommy!
This was the toy I got stuck on though... remember the Dora swing at Paradise Pond? I'm thinking mom has to get me a little swing at the house... I wouldn't leave this toy the rest of the time we were there...
The farmer didn't fit on the swing and I was totally confused...
Miss Glenna (my 2nd teacher) tried to help me and show me that the animals could swing, but I know that animals can't swing so I kept persisting with the farmer...
Brooklyn came over to try to help me figure it out...
All done... this is the hallway to my classroom... it's such a warm, friendly environment!
We stopped at the rocking chair upfront to get a picture... definitely the best of the day!
Next we headed out to the school playground so mom could have a quick Mom's League meeting with the league president. It's SO nice that Eli goes to my school so our mom's can meet in the parking lot or the playground to go over things before meetings...
It also set mom's mind at ease to see me on this playground... definitely a toddler friendly playground...
Her only concern is the step down... Eli showed me how to jump off of it and I was working up the nerve the rest of the time, I'm sure I will do it and skin a knee or a chin, but I'll figure it out... (look at how great the shade is out there)...
Asking for mom's help to come down...
Here's a better picture of my cute dress, and yes mom made my bow out of the same material...
Love that mom let's me get dirty in my boutique dress...
Eli and I played really well together, he put me to work filling up the trucks with rocks...
Remember when he let me dig with him at the Mom's League picnic back in June?
Next I set out to conquer the big kid play area...
Much more fun!
and headed back over to the toddler area to see if I could swing on these bars... and while mom didn't capture it on film, I indeed can swing from them... mom isn't sure how but she saw my little legs swinging a few minutes later... I'm such a monkey!
I figured out the steps going up to the big slide...
and enjoyed going down that one too...
While I kept my boutique dress spotless I managed to completely destroy my Walmart leggings... nothing a little oxyclean can't handle!
I need someone to seesaw with!
Checking our shoes for rocks...
All in all it was a great day. I didn't cry, Mom didn't cry, I wasn't shy AT ALL and I think I will really like school once I get into the swing of things. Tonight mom left the house right before bath time to go get her hair done and I cried pretty hard, it was the hardest mom has heard me cry for her in a long time (she accidentally called home and made it worse)... hopefully that was just from being overtired and I won't cry too hard at school (or when Miss Carrie is babysitting me on Friday morning)...
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