The question is... am I right footed...
or left footed?
After resisting my nap for 2 hours and napping for 2 hours, it was time to wear me out! We headed to Northeast Mall to play...
Definitely my favorite climbing structure...
Running around...
Look who we saw there... Corbin!
We took Corbin to ride the mini carousel...
He's such a cutie!
This is not the first time we've ridden this carousel together...
This was us riding last August...
This is how I rode around the mall... just chillin with my arm swinging out...
Tonight at dinner mom let me feed myself some yogurt...
What a mess!
It even ended up on my nose!
Ok are you ready for more videos then you can stand???
The first few are from Thursday, mom just hadn't gotten around to uploading them...
This is our new game "Get You"... Miss Carrie taught it to me (also featured is me saying "cheese" like Keira does... I thought mom was taking a picture)...
In this one you can hear me say "I Get You" which is what I call this game... it's a great game because it can be played anywhere...
This is me performing my giggle box...
This morning Yo Gabba Gabba was singing "Jump Jump Jump" and I jumped along (while singing if you listen carefully)...
and then I did a BIG jump! Which made mom laugh...
Here are some funny videos taken tonight while watching my favorite show Fresh Beat Band... Mom got a new video camera so expect a bunch of videos in the upcoming weeks!
Ok seriously this video is not in fast forward or sped up... this is how fast I move!!!
Check out my twirling in this one! Can you tell I only know how to count to 2?
Showing off some of my new dance moves...
This one makes mommy laugh so hard she snorts... I wish she had video taped the dance they were doing on the screen because I am totally doing it too!
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