Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Park Fun with Bubba...

This morning Bubba and I met at the Keller Pointe park for some swinging, sliding and running...

I kept telling mom that I could see giraffes from the periscope...

It was so bright we went and grabbed my sunglasses out of the car...

Next came a nature walk...

To see the cats (my favorite)...

Check us out... we're riding them!

Bubba was so cute today, he carried his 2 trucks everywhere (just in case he needed something to play with)...

The bears are SO big, they still kind of scare me...

We found a bunch of steps to walk up...

and stopped for a snack... (yes I left my sunglasses on for like 30 minutes!)

Back to riding the cat...

We tried to feed them a snack...

and I took one last ride...

Then we got to swing together...

and did some playing on the wet playground (sprinklers really? After all this rain?)...

Thanks for playing Bubba! I had such a good time that I took a 3 hour and 15 minute nap today! Perfect for mommy who needed to clean the house before Mama Kitty and Papa come tomorrow.

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