Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Trip to the Mall with Bubba...

This morning mom put me in a cute red dress and we headed for a playdate with Bubba...

But first a little puppy love...

When mom told me I was going to play with Bubba I picked out all of my favorite stuffed animals to share with him... I would say "Milla Minnie, Bubba Daisy"... "Milla Toodie, Bubba Brobie"... I definitely understand the concept of friends and sharing. Once mom explained I couldn't take 15 stuffed animals to the mall with us... I settled for just taking my purse...

and a picture of Santa... see mom had a little plan up her sleeve to see if she could beat the lines and get a picture of me and my favorite man in red...

First we headed to the play area for "Operation Wear the Toddlers Out"...

Bubba always has a truck or a train with him... Future boyscout... always prepared!

Next we rode the carousel...

Which was WAY too much fun!

Only Miss Carrie can get these smiles from me...

Have you noticed I always ride the duck? Today I climbed right into it...

Next we headed over to Santa, but he doesn't arrive until 11am...

So we threw pennies in the fountain (which I thought was the coolest thing ever)...

Rode the carousel again...

and played in the play area again...

I look SO big sliding now...

Peekaboo Ms. Carrie!

What a fun playdate...

Oh and the verdict on my visit with Santa... yep I was scared! Very, very scared... I wouldn't even give him a high five. He suggested to mom that she shouldn't push any further for now.

We went to eat lunch and when we walked back by I said "No Santa, All Done"... so we headed to the car. Once we got to the car though... I started saying "More Santa, More Santa"... so mom says we'll try again next week.

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