Tuesday, March 2, 2010

School Picture Day...

Every once in a while mom loves a dress so much that it sits in my closet for a special occasion... Today was one of those days!

It was school picture day!

Mommy and I practiced my smile...

and she can't wait to see how I did (she's expecting just serious looks, but at least the dress is cute)...

I asked Muno and Foofa to ride with me to school... mom was cracking up when she saw I had them kissing...

After school I just sat on the step and ate my snack... mom asked me if I wanted to stay at school and I said yes... (she's considering enrolling me in the afternoon program for next year)...

And just in case you don't believe that all toddlers have their "pitch a fit" moments... mom caught one of mine on camera. I don't do it very often... and only about important things (like eating m&ms)...

Even Maggie was on my side! I really wanted M&Ms for lunch... and my fit lasted an entire 30 minutes until I finally asked mommy to cuddle with me on the couch until I could calm down and eat a proper lunch of turkey and crackers...

Fast forward to a much better evening... and to another ring pop (one of my new favorite things)...

Mom says it's a good thing I'm this cute on days like today!

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