Here's how my mornings start... Baba and Imagination Movers...

working on my monkey moves...

Then we headed to Music Class... I really missed it last week! Notice I'm in my Alice t-shirt... Aunt Rin emailed mom and said she was missing me after our visit last week so I wanted to wear the shirt she bought me for my birthday...

We got to help our frogs go "hop" on the drum today...

Will and I were trying (as usual) to climb on the drum...

I always have to have at least one drum picture...

After class some of the boys got to play piano... I tried to join in (since I had so much fun on Ella's piano last week)...

This afternoon it was BEAUTIFUL outside so mom and I headed to the park!
Look at how brave I am now! I climbed these stairs all by myself...

Driving the firetruck...

Mom was so impressed with how many times I climbed the stairs and went down the big slide... no fear at all!

Chasing a squirrel...

Saying "hi" to the kids there...

A profile shot...

Look at how much I've grown up since October!
All the toddlers heading up the stairs...

Look Keira... mom let me play in the dirt!

Eventually it started to rain so we had to leave...

Practicing my music at home...

Don't I look like I've been up to something? "Who me?"

Mom let me stay up to watch Dancing with the Stars tonight...
This is mom's favorite video EVER!
This is my new tongue thing... I run it back and forth on my lips... mom thinks I'm working on my "L"s...

Mountain climbing on Maggie...
Just us girls, chillin'

I'm so into stickers these days... I will do anything for a sticker! Mom buys the $1 books of stickers at Target, Dollar Tree and Michaels so I can have as many as I want... you'll see them on my hands and feet in lots of pictures...

I still love to read...

Finally I leave you with my progress on Itsy Bitsy Spider (forgive mom for using the wrong word in it)... I'm really into making my spider these days and when the spider "washes" out... I'm also standing in the tub... I refuse to sit down (anyone have any suggestions for mommy on how to get me to sit?)
1 comment:
You have a great singing voice.
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