Does this picture give you a hint?
So mom said she was taking a break from Little Gym pictures... but that didn't last long... she did however forget to switch the camera to Auto Focus from Manual Focus so she missed half of the class (including me playing on the air track)...
Today I was obsessed with the obstacle course...
I completed the whole thing without any help from mommy... over and over again... can we have one of these at home?
Through the tunnel...
Working on my straddle...
Me and my friend Addie, she has been in my LG class since the first day...
Another time through...
I didn't even want to play with the balls today...
An artsy pic...
Ahhh... the picture that mom knows will be my look every time I see a camera as a pre-teen...
Such a happy girl on the obstacle course...
Except when anyone else tried to do it... then I got mean and yelled "no no no" and swatted... mom refuses to say "hit"... I was swatting... and mainly I was swatting boys... hmmm...
I finally came down to get my stamp...
After LG we went over to have lunch with Miss Jennifer and Madeline... SO much fun!
We enjoyed some chicken nuggets and then we went to play with the cars upstairs...
Look I'm sharing... YAY!
Then we played dress up... how cute is Madeline?
and kitchen...
Amazing how much more we actually play together now compared to when we first met, she's such a good friend!
We had a great time today! The girls are so cute playing together.
We have that same outfit...hmm I wonder where it is? I'll have to dig it out before it gets to hot...super cute!
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