I always look so serious though... mom thinks it's because I'm really concentrating on learning...
Working on the "Royal March of the Lions"...
I'm an Egg Head!
After music class the Babies Playgroup of Mom's League (we're not really babies anymore) met at the park...
I love trying out all of the different slides...
I was so excited when I remembered the botanical gardens were there too...
Smelling a tulip...
"Ohh... the fountain"...
Hudson went straight for it... he had a great time!
Mom was excited to get a cute picture of Brooklyn...
Once again I was determined to climb the ladder...
I tried to go through this tunnel and I got stuck... mom had to come get me and Jenny got a picture of mommy stuck...
All the girls swinging... Bella, Brooklyn & Keira...
Time to go down the BIG slide...
Katie took a turn holding baby Stella...
Back to the toddler slide...
Mom loves this picture of me...
Trying to go through the hole...
Can you tell I got stuck again?
Mom snapped this one because she loves my little curl...
Check me out... chasing turkeys!
We love the Easter photo card from Milla!
Oh Ashlee! I love Milla's Easter picture! She is so beautiful! I also thought it was so funny that you call those birds turkeys! They actually look like guinea hens or fowl. We used to have them on our farm and I called them turkeys too! They are distant cousins... They are very territorial and stick around which is probably why you see them all the time! Google it and see if that is what they look like! Talk to you later love! When are you coming to Corpus??
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