Mom found this one on Papa's camera... isn't it a great picture of us together?
This one makes mommy laugh... I'm not sure Grandma Kitty was telling the story right...
Saturday we took Papa and Grandma Kitty to Pei Wei and I had a sucker after I finished my lunch... It kept me absolutely silent for 20 minutes...
Then we all went to Ella Bella to get me some new shoes... I had my eye on the Lelli Kelly shoes (a little expensive)...
Here are one of the pairs I ended up with... they are squeaker tennis shoes... my first pair of tennis shoes!
Just hanging out on Saturday evening before bed...
Mom and dad went out to dinner at Simply Fondue after I went to bed...
This morning mommy found me like this...
Maggie wasn't sure what to think...
Grandma Kitty & Papa came over to give me a few more hugs and kisses...
Daddy hung me upside down for some smiles (check out that new molar up top!)
And then we showed off some more of our circus tricks...
Look at the baby...
Tickle the baby...
Aren't we a happy little family?
Oh and of course the other member of our family...
Papa is usually the guy behind the camera so we always have to make an effort to get a few pictures...
These are pretty good...
Especially since this is my normal reaction when someone other than mommy or daddy holds me...
We definitely love each other...
After my nap we went to run errands...
Mom wants to know who the kid in her backyard is...
More acrobatics...
Daddy bought some sidewalk chalk today and I was obsessed with it... it's like a little purse...
I carried it all over the house...
Then it was time to go sidewalk chalk... has mom ever told yall that she HATES chalk... despises the stuff... so this is a good father/daughter activity...
Doodling away...
Look at us in our hoodies! It was pretty chilly today...
Taking a stroll around the pool...
Daddy chasing me... This will be one of the last pictures of him chasing me around the pool... we are getting a fence this week! YAY!
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